You make great points. Where I work, we're about 92% white, so race didn't really factor into my thinking on this. Of course, every school needs to make up its mind what its values are and how they're going to demonstrate them, teach them, and ultimately enforce them with the student body.
Before ever suspending anyone indefinitely, you'd have to make sure all those things you said are not the core of the problem. Because the thing is, yeah, some teachers suck. They're racist. They're untrained and inept at handling even the most basic problems in the classroom. It takes years to get good at behavior management. But my overarching point is a choice has to be made. And from where I sit, it no longer seems to be a choice of having inclusive classrooms for all learners or not. The choice is morphing into, do we want inclusive classrooms that are always welcoming of any and all students...or do we want harmony? Because we are losing harmony, teachers are pissed and burned out, and the kids are pissed at the way their education is being disturbed.
What's the answer? There is no one answer. There are lots of potential good answers, but ALL options have to be on the table, including admitting that inclusive education and the least restrictive environment may need redefining and reprioritizing.