Wow. You are certainly a balanced conspiracy theorist, believing in crap about both political parties. Sure, Biden didn't want to step down. He wanted to run again. I wish he had stepped aside earlier, but it's his prerogative and I don't think legally anyone in his own party can force him to step aside, and he wasn't about to get impeached. But after that debate, sure, cat's out of the bag. Harris wouldn't have been my first choice of democrat candidate. I knew people wouldn't like her because, mainly, she's a black female, but also that she has the snooty attitude of an aunt that comes to your house and comments on how what you feed your kids. People don't like that.
On the other side, there's Donald Trump. A man with a track record of absurdities from his first term. To many of us (most, really, but some dems and independents stayed home in the last election because they were uninspired) a second go-round with Trump was intolerable. He's an intolerant tyrant, a guy filled with hate and angst and insecurities.
The hate started on the Right in this past election. Actually, it really started in the nineties with Newt Gingrich. I don't know if you're old enough to remember, but his scorched-earth tactics back then led up to the creation of Donald Trump and the division we have today. Obama and Biden tried to work with Republicans...they campaigned on compromise. GOP said, no thanks, FUBO, and all that stuff. So please don't re-write history.
As for her being installed without a primary vote. Okay, but why does that bother people so much on the Right? It's not their tribe. And when their tribe speaks, it's never in a tone of uniting the country. It's about evil Democrats. It's the Big Lie about Dems stealing the election from Trump in 2020 (if you don't know that Trump lost then, I guess we have nothing more to say to each other.)
You refer to Trump as the Orange Idiot, which I like, but he's the Orange Sex Offender, Orange Grifter, Orange Traitor (Jan 6), and to top it off, he's the Orange Don't Give a Damn About the Little Guy candidate. (If he did, he'd pay his workers the fair wage he promised. God, don't you want to just punch in the face anyone who stiffs his workers? I mean, c'mon, what sort of human being does that? And now he's president...again? Whatever you think about Kamala, she does not have anywhere near the character flaws that he does. When you have to choose between two evils, you choose the lesser one because...common sense.)