Some people are too peoply. They use their big brains to overthink and then they get in trouble. This is the cause of a lot of man-made human suffering. All the bad ideas that we associate with the Bible seems to me like they come straight outta the old testament. The old testament is the Hebrew Bible. Christianity began with the birth of Christ, in the New Testament. This is the book that Christians should, IMO, be focusing on. And that's because Christ's whole ministry was based pretty much on the singular idea at the time of not being a sheep and following blindly the rules and expectations of Jewish faith if that faith runs counter to what you know in your heart is right. If that message sounds modern, it's because it's never going to go out of style. "Do unto others" is a great example of this singular idea. So too are the stories of the good Samaritan and the fact that JC ministered healing to all the sickos that were the scourge of society at the time. Real radical, give-no-shit attitude at the time. It was inspiring then and it's inspiring now. Just reading the new testament for oneself is not going to turn you into a racist, slave-owning human rights oppressor. But Christianity has been weaponized by the power establishment, unfortunately, and has tainted the core values for centuries. If one can put that aside, the Bible can be read again with an open mind.