Isn't is really just synthesizing the sum of human thought that it finds on the Internet and applying it to a problem? People do that too, with the difference being that we recognize a problem when we see it while AI is a tool waiting for its master to wield it. (Although, truth to tell, AI could already be more intelligent than us simply by default. We humans are, after all, creating an artificial intelligence that we herald and warn about in the same breath. It's ludicrous. If I invented a magic pencil which, when you use it, will answer correctly every math problem on your test BUT might, at some point, compel you to jab it deeply into your teacher's eye at any point in time... we'd never buy that pencil for our children to take to school and use. Even though we'd love to see our precious ones make it into MIT or some place like that, the potential moral and ethical problems would be too great for us to justify. We in fact would compel the maker of such a pencil to stop making it. Not so with AI. Is it because blood and death isn't so obvious and immediate? Do humans fail to see farther than the tips of their noses? What do you think?)