I'm not sure what you mean by "You guys LOVE students that don't think for themselves and parents hate that this education system is turning them into indoctrinated zombies." That's not what we love. We love students who can hold their own in an argument and can apply facts and logical reasoning. What we don't love is the increased race baiting, hysteria, and xenophobia that's creeping up more and more in our schools. As you know, reports of racism in schools and society in general spiked right after the Trump election in 2016. Kids are adapting weird positions on issues that they don't actually know anything about, and defending them with an almost hostile fervor. For example, no ten-year-old should have a calcified political opinion on anything because they don't know anything yet about the world. Yet we teachers, even in PRIMARY SCHOOL, are hearing our students' parents coming through their mouths: "I love Trump!" "Trump is the best president ever!" "My daddy says Democrats are evil!" All parents are entitled to their opinions, but parents need to be careful what they say around their kids. In school, kids will meet people from all over the political spectrum. It's the nature of public schools, and it isn't going to change. Parents MUST model tolerance for differences or education, like society, grinds to a halt.