I'm just a lowly special education teacher with unnecessary and bloated benefits like a pension plan that really only the top 1% deserve.
Trumps accomplishments are indeed impressive for a guy who chooses not to string more than two coherent sentences together in any one paragraph. Brilliant how he's deceived the Russians, the North Koreans, Chinese, and yes even the democrats into believing he has the IQ of a field mouse when in fact he's a brilliant tactician and, as you say, stellar businessman whose made everything he's touched turn to gold. And his loyalty to the church, weekly prayer breakfasts with religious leaders, and knowledge of the Bible is the sole reason why he has the religious right in thrall. And had he still been in office and not had the election stolen from him, the Taliban would have been too scared to take their country back when our troops withdrew.
Now, if it weren't for all these liars who have told the J6 committee fiction about Trump, he could ascend to his place in history right next to Washington himself.