Dave Smith
2 min readSep 7, 2023


I'm a teacher, as you know, and I think this concept is just as terrible as saying to a group of kids on test day: here you go. You can take the test by memory or use AI to help you. Whatever." Kids will use AI because it's easier and kids are like water... They'll always flow down the path of least resistance. AI is here and thus we have to use AI and allow it to change us, because as anyone knows who read Nicholas Carr's book the Shallows, our tools use us and change us just as much as we use them. We literally have no choice. But education will suffer. More importantly, kids will suffer. I've seen in just the last twenty years kids becoming weaker and weaker and weaker intellectually. They are losing thel ability to deal with frustration when an answer takes effort and time to achieve. . They want the answers now and they want them fast... And AI will obviously deliver, whether Bard or this new thing you're talking about. And I teach second grade!!! I can't imagine the dependency that this new brain narcotic will breed in children. ( If you're thinking, Dave, the calculator didn't ruin computation ability in children, I would just point out that more "old school" teaching with paper and pencil is probably going on than most people think in classrooms. So calculator are introduced only later when computation becomes so cumbersome that it slows down the problem solving process too much. And thank God we do still ask for kids to use pure brain power sometimes.)

Good article.



Dave Smith
Dave Smith

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