I’ll spell it out. By brain dead, I was referring to people whose brain activity and heart function had stopped, based on the readings of the equipment they were hooked up to in the operating room. Then, after heroic measures were taken by doctors, the patients were revived (sometimes MINUTES later) and were able to recall key details of the experience, including conversations between the doctors, WHILE UNCONSCIOUS AND WITH NO BRAIN OR HEART FUNCTION.
This is a mystery. Mysteries deserve SCIENTIFIC scrutiny. Especially a mystery that concerns everybody on earth, because we are all going to die! Why the hell everybody isn’t curious about this is beyond me, unless Chopra is right and worldviews are in danger.
Don’t be scared! Even if humans are a part of something mystical, that doesn’t make science any less fun or crucial in our lives. Let’s say we determine that there’s something after death. We still need vaccines. Let’s say we discovered a “spiritual realm.” We still need buildings that can withstand hurricanes. And it’d still be nice to build better rockets to go into space more frequently and more safely.
Science is a big tent. Research EVERYTHING. After all why not? I’d rather see tax dollars go toward any research of interest to people than spent on wars or tax breaks for the wealthy.
(For the record, I’m agnostic on the issue of NDEs. I can’t wholeheartedly believe without a lot more solid proof, proof that we will probably never get, but I’d like us to learn as much as possible on this issue)