I harbor great skepticism around technology use and instruction in schools. Perhaps it's my age (I'm 50). I'm not what one would call a digital native, and that's okay. The thing is, I learned to read, write, calculate, THINK... all without computers. Astounding.
To hear some administrators at my school tell it, that would be impossible today. But that's not true, obviously.
There is a time and a place to learn ABOUT the computer. Certainly, by the time one graduates, students should be able to type proficiently. And there is plenty to teach students about the many, many perils and pitfalls about the internet. Basically, "technology" shouldn't be a concern of public schools... the kids will figure it out what they need to know, if they haven't already. The tech itself is becoming more and more intuitive. It's the INTERNET that's consuming our civility and our ethics. No one should be allowed to graduate high school without a thorough understanding of the internet's influence on all of us. It's exploitation of our biases. The cravings it creates in our brains.
I propose we call it SIEM education: Science, Internet, Engineering and Math. Pronounced: Seem.