I disagree. "Outcomes" as you seem to refer to them here are irrelevant in the school setting. But that doesn't make the school setting irrelevant. Gathering young minds in a room with a teacher who facilitates knowledge generation and idea sharing is going to be, and should be, the ultimate purpose of education.
The school house is not a job training site. Kids can decide what to do with their energy and intelligence upon graduating high school. School should aspire at all costs to offer students a respite from the grind of capitalism and competition, and a training ground fire how to critically evaluate the world they will inherit. The January 6th fiasco is just one of many current events that should be debated, discussed, dissected and argued in a social studies classroom. It could be studied through literature in English. Plug in the wall tech is highly unnecessary.
Wait and see: As the world marches deeply into the fun house of AI, schools will return to paper and pencil and redouble their efforts to keep education face to face. After all, the world needs thinkers to help the rest of us understand why we're in the mess we're in (even if, ultimately, nobody listens).