For six, seven and eight year olds? Yes, yes I am. Are you actually telling me with a straight face that when children step into the school house, they should be thinking about their future investment portfolios? Their checking accounts? Their 401ks? Certainly, schools can and should do a better job of educating all students about money --what it is and isn't, where it comes from, and yes, ways we can make our own money grow -- but it's not the raison detre of public education. I'm actually surprised that the world's largest economy and staunchest defender of capitalism doesn't align more with your views, tbh. Every child is a walking dollar sign in America, exploitable and exploited, every day of their lives. I just think, rather than embrace the rat race to make as much money as possible as you're suggesting, that instead public education seek among other things to raise the awareness of its students to the deleterious effects of an economic supply and demand system that chews up and spits out people, most of the time against their will.