American culture moves painfully slow in accepting marginalized groups. How many centuries did it take to realize black people weren't cattle to be auctioned? While I fully support LGBTQ and Trans people's rights and do not have a problem with pronouns, others clearly do. Many others. What seems to have happened is that we moved quickly from awareness to the expectation of full acceptance of transgender people while bypassing education. In other words, we skipped the vital stage I call "tolerance." Before conservative minded people can accept such a radical proposition of full support of transgender rights, pronouns, etc., they need to understand transgender people fully and learn to tolerate the presence of this previously unknown group of people in their culture. I think we skipped that part. So people felt attacked. I don't agree that we SHOULD have to do it... but history teaches that we learn very, very slowly in America. It sucks but it's true. I say this as a second grade teacher.